Short story: My father is in the Burn ICU at Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas, TX after suffering injuries in a fire at his home. He is very slowly recovering, and we are hopeful. My brother and sister were not home at the time, so only Dad and Asia's dog Scout were in the house. (The other two dogs were outside. Scout didn't make it.) I am here until my father improves enough that I can be certain things are on the up and up, and until I can help Asia and Forrest put the affairs of the mortgage, insurance, and other assundry red tape in some semblance of order.
Long story:
What can you do, dear friends? Just pray and hold my father and my family in soft light in your hearts.
Oh, and volunteer for the Denver Post Underground Music Showcase. It'll be fun! And a load off my mind if we can get an awesome number of people helping out. I LOVE this event. For four hours of your time, you get a pass for yourself and a friend, as well as access to the VIP parties after the event. (Read: TOTAL fun.) It's a great way to enjoy a summer weekend being a Denverite and supporter of live music! August 1st and 2nd!
Shout out to Yancey Lee: I love you so much. I am the luckiest woman in the world to call you my husband, my lover, and my friend.
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